Address & Contact
9 Luben Karavelov Street, Sofia
42.688539343632, 23.331478839756
Located at 9 Lyuben Karavelov st. in Sofia, the new gallery, [a]cube, will focus on 21st century contemporary art. The space has been fully refurbished by arch. Enil Enchev. New media and communication tools in the complex digital and analogue world make possible ways of expression unthinkable only a few decades ago. The dynamism of modern technology and social media communication connect the individual with society in ways that oscillate between extremes of intimacy and alienation. What was far away in the last century is now close, but is also often unreachable. Aesthetics alone has remained a constant in art: its understanding is innate for some and difficult for others. This is the key criteria in [a] cube’s curatorial manifesto for contemporary art. Our goal is to find and support talent, to put established figures in the limelight, to strengthen cultural connections with neighbouring countries, and to participate in international exhibitions with the very best of the Bulgarian art scene.
Why “[a] cube”? There are several answers: “a” like a dimension, [a] like a measure of aesthetics in Greek: Αισθητική, or [a] like art, or perhaps just the first letter of the alphabet, like the beginning of a path
Opening Hours
12:30 – 19:00
12:30 – 19:00
12:30 – 19:00
12:30 – 19:00
11:30/13:30 – 14:30/18:00
11:30/13:30 – 14:30/18:00