Address & Contact


2 Slavyanska street, Sofia


42.693450952695, 23.327119698414


“Credo Bonum” Gallery is part of the activities of the eponymous foundation, founded in 2006 by Tzvetelina Borislavova. Until 2008 the gallery operated under the name CIBANK as the only example of a symbiosis between a bank and a cultural institution in Bulgaria. For these years the dynamic switching of expositions and the alternation of classical and modern forms have brought the space recognition as an autonomous authority and helped it rise to the top rank of Sofia’s most eminent and sought-after exhibition spaces.

Having accumulated a notable history with background of almost 100 exhibitions and with the support of the Credo Bonum Foundation, the Gallery aimed to become a new space that seeks to arouse the interest of the general public in different forms of art by staging offbeat exhibitions and offering educational opportunities. Thus, in harmony with the various cultural, social and public activity of the foundation, the Credo Bonum Gallery asserts its new ambition to develop and win recognition as an independent space for arts and culture which draws its themes and accents from the everyday life and from the topical problems of our environment.

A key priority is the variety of cultural events, the blending of different forms of arts, the increased social commitment, as well as the full use of the critical potential of arts. In its programme, the gallery sticks by its commitment to presenting modern art, introducing young authors, working with private and public collections, and showcasing the entire gamut of media that contemporary art employs. From 2014, the gallery is hosting a series of exhibitions that represent important milestones in the development of spirituality and culture in the Bulgarian lands.

Opening Hours


11:00 – 19:00


11:00 – 19:00


11:00 – 19:00


11:00 – 19:00


11:00 – 19:00


15:00 – 19:00


15:00 – 19:00

* Entrance- from “Benkovski” Street

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